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Follow These Tips to Keep Your Car Properly Maintained During Winters!

Whether it’s summertime or winter season, the regular and proper maintenance of your car is equally important. This is because proper care can increase the life span of your vehicle and it also reduces the repair and maintenance cost. While year-round maintenance is important for your vehicle, it is especially significant during the winter season.  
All around the globe, the weather is becoming more severe with each passing year. The areas of the southern and northern poles usually have cold weather all across the year. These cold weather conditions can be very tough on your car. That is why you should make your vehicle choices based on whether the car is built to endure severe cold weather.
Below are mentioned some of the simple yet effective tips to be prepared for the winter season:
1.                 Get Snow Tires for Your Vehicle:
During the cold weather, the normal rubber tires become stiff and rigid. This reduces the friction between tires and roads. That is why you should consider special tires for the winter season. There are some soft rubber tires specified for cold weather, which come with increased flexibility and they are effective even during the coldest of weather.

2.                 Change your Vehicle Oil Regularly:
Although it may seem simple and obvious, regularly checking your oil can decrease the risks during the winter season. Cold weather also affects the effectiveness of the oil. That is why choosing the perfect oil for your car can clear the way for you.
Usually, thick oil decreases the efficiency of a vehicle’s engine and negatively affects the car. During such arduous weather, you should go for thinner oil types that will protect you from unfortunate accidents.

3.                 Regularly Recharge Car Battery:
Relatively weak batteries are much more difficult to operate during colder weather. This is the reason; it is important to check if your battery is strong enough to last the whole winter season.  You can check the efficiency of a battery by using professional electronic equipment.
It is better to change or recharge your battery at the start of winter because a weak battery during summer means a dead battery during cold climate.

4.                 Keep Your Lights Clean:
Due to the use of salt for anti-freezing purposes, the car lights get dirty. These dim lights can increase the risk of accidents and unfortunate events. So, it is very important to keep your lights clean and wipe them regularly with a soft cotton cloth. 

5.                 Check if Your Car Needs Service:
Like every above-mentioned tip, it is very important to check if your car is due a service. Although it is also important during the whole year, winters make it somehow more important. Usually, it is recommended to have a service after every 10 to 12 months. But every car is different. You should first check for the manufacturer’s handbook for your car and then decide how much gap is good in between the two services.

Be Personally Prepared!
In addition to taking care of your vehicle, you must also have a check and balance for personal safety measures. Following are some easy ways that you can be prepared for winters:
·       Have extra warm clothing
·       Pack a flashlight with extra batteries
·       Grab some extra snacks and drinking water
·       Pack a small camping shovel
Pack these things before you go outside during winters. These will certainly help you during emergency conditions.

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